A brief history...

Since the company’s inception in 1984, we have established an extensive client base in the residential market. We have focused our efforts toward consistent and flawless attention to detail, and dependable service.
Our success enabled us to expand our services to Church Restorations and a variety of specialized projects. These valuable experiences created a network of experienced and creative craftspeople to compliment our services.
Our philosophy is to provide our customers with quality workmanship and service, with an attention to punctuality and cleanliness throughout the project.


•Interior and exterior painting and staining.
•Wallpaper removal and installation including suede, foil, grass, vinyl, silk, embossed and many more.
•Decorative wall finishes such as; Ragging, sponging, Venetian plaster, marbleizing, antiquing, shadow striping, stenciling, and gold leaf application. Decorative moulding installation such as; Crown and chair rail.
•Exterior deck restoration and finishing.
•The ability to decorate complete homes expediently with the use of a larger crew and the willingness to do the smallest of jobs.
•Covered with liability insurance and worker compensation. Member of the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating.
•Colour consulting.
•Punctual, clean and courteous.




41 Quinpool Cres.
Nepean, ON. Canada. K2H 6H9

BBB Information